Saturday, October 4, 2008

Trip to Alberta

Well, besides the hellacious long traveling day, our trip was great. We stayed with our friends, the Klagers in Calgary. They were fantastic hosts. Ruthie got to play lots with her buddy Toby and I got to play with my buddy Jeremy. Amanda and Barb got to do their mom-talk as much as they wanted and we were all happy. You know what I mean when I say "mom-talk," right? It's like a lot of discussing the best ways to mush up cooked vegetables, how they would improve the functions of their diaper bags, and how they really truly can't remember what it is like to feel rested. It's good for moms to have this. No one wants to feel like they are on an island.

We had a great trip and enjoyed our visit with some of our favorite people.

Nana's 89th birthday party...

Our little trooper in her carseat...

Driving break & snuggle...

The Klagers took us to the zoo, and what a great zoo it was! We got to watch hippos swim...

...and giraffes dance,
..and even a baby elephant!


  1. i think you add more info about it.

  2. Cute story, I like your pictures.

  3. are those giraffes dancing?!!?

  4. Was that fun or what!!???!!??!!!! The giraffes are tall! what was the face when they saw them??
